In 2019 at TRANSLOG Connect Shippeo won the 7th CEE Logistics and Supply Chain Excellence Award in the solution provider category!
Shippeo, the European leader in supply chain visibility, gives shippers, carriers, and customers instant access to predictive and real-time information of every delivery. Our proprietary, machine-learning ETA algorithm accurately calculates arrival times allowing shippers to quickly anticipate problems, proactively alert end-customers, and efficiently manage exceptions. Shippeo helps market-leading companies leverage transportation to deliver exceptional customer service and achieve operational excellence. Shippeo tracks more than 5 million loads per year throughout Europe for global, market-leading customers, and connects to more than 68 000 carriers in more than 40 countries.
To learn more about their award winning project we asked Lucien Besse, COO and co-founder of Shippeo about the project which made them win the award!
Lucien is in charge of all commercial and operational activities in the company. Since the creation of Shippeo in 2014, he has been working very closely with Shippeo's customers, such as Faurecia, Auchan, and Leroy Merlin. Previous to founding Shippeo, Lucien was working in private equity where he worked closely with many transportation companies and gained extensive knowledge about the needs of this market. Lucien is currently managing more than 75 employees in 6 different countries.
What was the innovation within your project which made you win the award? How did this contribute to your client's success?
Lucien Besse "We are providing to Faurecia the first real-time tracking system for land transportation in the automotive industry - based on a 70k+ carrier network, and an innovative machine learning ETA calculation, specifically designed for road transport and its specific constraints. Shippeo is directly integrated to Faurecia IT systems, and tracks all European flows, regardless of the language of the operators (25+ spoken) and their region (Shippeo is present in 40+ European countries).
Shippeo is a direct source of cost optimization for Faurecia Automotive Seating - through dwell time tracking and anticipation of delays to avoid penalties or production line halts. Shippeo is also a strong resource economy factor - as they allow a refined tracking of all transportation inefficiencies - and provide data to optimize milk-runs. The value generated is directly shared with Faurecia Automotive Seating internal and external customers - with a real-time communication on transportation risks to customer teams allowing proactive reactions."
In your opinion how is the award supporting the developments of logistics in the CEE region?
Lucien Besse "This innovating project has been successfully deployed to all European plants of Faurecia Seating. The main users are located in Poland where Faurecia installed its transportation operations department. Poland is an important country for Faurecia and the local teams have shown an incredible sense of innovation during our project. We couldn't find better ambassadors. Many carriers we're working with are located in the CEE region, and most of them are very receptive to digital innovations."
From your perspective, which are the biggest challenges in the logistics field the CEE region is facing? How are you supporting your clients to overcome them?
Lucien Besse "Visibility over transportation remains, of course, one of the biggest challenges that we see globally and specifically in the CEE region. With the increasing fragmentation of the transportation market, more and more shippers are in search of a very simple way to collect real-time data from a large number of carriers. This is what we offer at Shippeo, through a unique API already connected to more than 300 telematics and TMS systems. A lot of these systems come from the CEE region."
How do you think the recognition is helping you to raise your brand awareness further?
Lucien Besse "We are very honored by this recognition. For us, it is a unique opportunity to highlight Shippeo and the value we are providing to our customers to an audience of over 500 logistics and supply chain management professionals and decision-makers from over 20 countries."
Are you planning to apply for the award again in the future?
Lucien Besse "We always happy to demonstrate innovating projects that bring values to our customers so we will certainly do it!"
Are you planning to attend TRANSLOG again next year?
Lucien Besse "Yes."
If you think your solution is cutting-edge and should be recognized by the industry, apply for the 8th CEE Logistics & Supply Chain Management Excellence Award and put your business in the spotlight by presenting your solution at the upcoming TRANSLOG Connect Congress!
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